The Neverending Story

Samhain                                    Waning Dark Moon

The Neverending Story:  Rigel and the Fences.  Now after all the digging spots she has used have been blocked, after all the beds in which she dug and chewed up irrigation line have been fenced, after the chain link fence she climbed has an electrical fence to defend it, after the truck gate has been chained, blocked with granite and secured with a metal fencing post, I have put up the last of a run of plastic coated wire over the top of the split rail covered with green mesh.  The intent is to keep Rigel from climbing back into the orchard which she has done with impunity since we fenced her out of it.  Her move.

A slow day today, the rhythm of Sunday afternoon, a late lunch, reading a new book, watching a bit of a game about which I cared little, all followed by a nap.  This evening was more of the same, a sweet languor.  I watched a bit of the Cowboys and Eagles game, but wasn’t really into it.  The Place of Execution, an English mystery on public television, ended tonight.  Like I said, a slow day.