Back At It

Samhain                              Waning Dark Moon

After a month or so of quiescence Sierra Club has begun to pick up steam.  A contract lobbyist has come on board, schedules for meetings need to get drawn up and specific plans for our legislative work moved forward.  It has worked well to have some downtime on the Sierra Club front since I needed to get studied up for the Louvre show.  I still have pages to go before I sleep as far as the Louvre is concerned, but I can do a tour without tripping over my feet.  That’s a relief.

My two favorite works in the show are the Messerschmidt head and the Lorenzo Lotto painting of Christ carrying his cross.  Next after them are the La Tour and the Vermeer, then the Barye.   On another scale I also love the cylinder seals and the vase carved with only stone tools.