Snow, Snow, Lots and Lots of Snow.

Beltane                                                                                 Rushing Waters Moon

trump for prisonThis is a record breaking snow already and it’s barely gotten started. Good news for us up here on Shadow Mountain. Hard to burn when everything’s covered in fluffy white moisture. This is a flour sifter snow, coming down straight, no wind, and fast.

Trump. He says with “surety” that no politician in history has ever been treated worse. Not sure Charles II would agree. Or JFK, MLK, RFK, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Salvador Allende, Archduke Ferdinand. To mention a few off the top of my head.

His first hundred days might be his last hundred days. Even Pence looks better. Sort of.

DivergentOver the last couple of days I’ve been reading the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth. Granddaughter Ruth is reading it and I try to keep up with at least some of her favorites. The first book is very good. The second one’s not quite as good, but ok. The third shows it’s difficult to sustain a creative push. Makes me wonder how George Martin’s done it with the Game of Thrones series. Not easy.

Still dealing with the difficulties of making tea at altitude. Just wrote my favorite tea company, Verdant Tea, a Minnesota company that works directly with tea growers in China. Maybe they’ll have some ideas.

20170514_105132Kate spent another sewing day yesterday, this time with the needleworkers. These are most of the day events where the women come together to work on their own projects, see what the others are up to and share ideas, techniques. Friendships, too. She also had her third injection of Remicade, an anti-rheumatoid arthritis biological drug. Her color and energy has improved. Seems to be working.

Well. Breakfast time in the Rockies. With snow.