Be Aware

Lughnasa                                                                        Kate’s Moon

BlakeBe aware. Working with mussar practice now, decided to use focus phrases and journaling to work on the trait of watchfulness, seeing my path, owning my journey. The journal part will recount, as I can recall them, those moments when I was aware of my journey.

Last night when I came home from the mussar leadership meeting I recounted the meeting to Kate. I was aware of my own journey deeper into mussar and Beth Evergreen as I did.

After two unpleasant encounters at the New York Deli, a guy stopped right after he turned into the parking lot and a tree trimmer told me I had to me my car, I realized I didn’t like my angry response, but there it was anyhow.

While talking with Sandy, our housecleaner, newly recovering from brain surgery for an acoustic neuroma, I was aware of myself as a potential guide for her since I too lost hearing in one ear. It’s a surprising  and often unpleasant transition.

While writing Ancientrails in the mornings, I become self-aware about some small part of my journey the day before, just as I am now about yesterday.

Just before falling asleep, my helpful mind sets up a Times Square scroll of the day’s activities and why they might have been better. This bit of self awareness I would gladly chuck.