Oh, my aching back

Summer                                                                     Monsoon Moon

sacroiliac-joint-and-hipsX-ray of lower back. Might be that my back pain is arthritis in my sacroiliac joints. Well, that part of my body, like the rest of it, isn’t getting any younger. After thinking about my life, I realized I spent 20 years gardening intensively. That was considerable time bent over, weeding, planting, dividing, pruning, harvesting, amending soil, all the various chores that go into horticulture. A lot of chainsaw work over the same time, too. I enjoyed it immensely, but repetitive motion is one of the causes of arthritis. Seems logical. Not a lot to be done about it. Dr. Gidday gave me a tramadol prescription, which I will use mainly for sleep.