97 to go. But, a bit of hope

Lughnasa                                                                        Waning Summer Moon

97 to go. Though. This rejection is, at least, personal. That represents an uptick on the scale of rejection etiquette. Even so, my gut response. Sinking, sadness, oh no not again. I gotta quit this. It hurts too much.

Though not a formulaic rejection, in some ways it makes the rejection hurt more. She gave Superior Wolf consideration, didn’t outright dismiss it, then rejected it because it didn’t draw her in. Ouch.

Still feeling it. Sunk inward, want to hide, hold my head in my hands. Maybe cry a little.

Sorry to include you all in this, but writing is my way of coping. Otherwise the feelings stay inside, clang around, make things worse. This helps.


Dear Charles,

Thank you for your query. Please know I carefully considered SUPERIOR WOLF, and although the concept intrigued me, the sample didn’t pull me in as I had hoped. I don’t feel I can offer representation at this time.

Keep going with it. Writersdigest.com, agentquery.com and querytracker.com are great resources for researching literary agents. I wish you the best of luck.



Mary C. Moore
Kimberley Cameron & Associates, LLC