Happy Birthday

Lughnasa                                                                  Waning Summer Moon

Kate. Standing up for what she believes. Confident.
Kate. Standing up for what she believes. Confident.

And, ta dah! Kate’s 74th. On this great gettin’ up mornin’, on this quilt documentation day, anticipated now for months, Kate turns 74. Happy birthday, sweetie.

Oh, and sorry about that wreck. (see below)

She thought this protest against ICE separating families trying to gain asylum in the U.S. was one of our better recent dates. That’s the woman I married. Unafraid to say what she thinks, to show others what she believes.

Years matter in the battering the body takes, but in matters of the heart, in matters of courage, years only reinforce character. I’m lucky to have found this strong, smart, confident woman.

I think we’re past saying I hope for 74 more years, 148 is well past the human longevity record, but I’ll be pleased, happy with whatever years we have left together. The more, the better.

Happy birthday, soul mate, love of my life.