I feel my powers returning

Beltane and the Moon of Shadow Mountain

Wednesday gratefuls: Sleep. Great Sol. My Lodgepole Companion. Black Mountain. My son. Seoah. Murdoch. Diane. San Francisco. Torah portion. Tara. Irv. Marilyn. Fingers and toes. Noses. Skin. Taste and Smell. Opening the heart. And the mind. Snow. Frost. 25 degrees. Mountain Spring. Wild Neighbors. Maxwell Creek. Kate’s Creek. Colorado Blue Sky.

Sparks of Joy and Awe: Being Home

One brief shining: As the train ran on metal wheels, pulled by massive diesel engines, my roomette and I remained still, watching the U.S. West unfold from the Presidio past Sacramento and on into the Sierra Nevadas, into the alakali flats of Nevada with Battle Mountain and its gold mines, next into the big stop for Brigham Young-Utah, Provo and Salt Lake City gone in the night while I slept, awakening to hoodoos, not long not long after pushing on into Grand Junction, home in Colorado, home in the Rockies, a few more hours of Mountains and Streams, ski towns, Snow, and we took a long gentle curve to bleed off altitude and made the final leg into Union Station where Adam picked me up for my return to Shadow Mountain.


As my son once said, in a line quoted often by Kate and me, “I feel my powers returning.” He said this on the way home from Arizona after her parent’s 50th anniversary party. We were in our RV somewhere in New Mexico. This food poisoning really put the hurt on me. Exacerbated no doubt by having to take that long train ride home. And by its following a week that already stressed my body. Maybe too by its having taken up lodging in a 77 year old body. We don’t throw things off as easily as we age. Even so I can feel my body regrouping, gathering strength, much needed and appreciated strength.

Back to exercise? No. The tummy would not support that quite yet. Buy some groceries, Bar Mitzvah lesson, more rest, The change however has begun to flow in a positive direction.


Just a moment: Yes, I admit it. The hush money trial? That one where a former president could go to jail for contempt? Where the witnesses include Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels? Where a once and future king could become a felon. Where he could be sentenced to prison. Has my attention. Like watching a slow-motion train wreck of our nation’s rule of law, norms of decency, and our ability to stomach one more written sentence-like this one?-about, well. You know.

Glad we now have in the record the positions the Donald and Stormy experienced with each other. His bareback style. His boxer shorts that suddenly appeared. No tightie whities for our Don.

In my admittedly hopeful and legally unshaped opinion? He did it! He did it! He did it! Lock him up. Right now.

God. If only. I can see signs, dark signs that events may conspire to give the orange one an advantage in November. Consider this the first movements of a spell I’m casting. Against just such a thing.