The 13th Amendment

70  bar steady 29.87 0mph SW dew-point 53  Summer, night and warm

                     Waning Gibbous Flower Moon

Grocery shopping this afternoon.  There is nothing as grounding for me as grocery shopping.  It’s something I’ve done since college and I continue to enjoy it.  A domestic task.

Pulled the tulip’s dead leaves and stalks out this afternoon, too.  Some annual can go in their place now that the bulbs have stored energy for next year’s growth.

Watched a movie, Human Trafficking, with Donald Sutherland and Mia Sorvino.  The last scene grabbed me because Mia’s character gives a speech at the very end referencing the 13th amendment which outlaws slavery or involuntary servitude.  After 48 lectures on the Civil War that particular amendment stands out with neon lights. 

Kate had a late night at the office and I’m up later than I want to be, so I’m off to bed.  Taking the red car into Carlson’s in the morning for a head gasket and having the heads ground.  Pricy.  But important.