78 bar rises 29.99 4mph N dew-point 56 sunrise 6:03 sunset 8:34 Lughnasa
Waxing Crescent of the Corn Moon
“The rest of the beans will dry on the plants!” Kate said yesterday, her brow perspiring from work over a hot pressure canner. Yes, the beans produce and produce and produce. Canned green beans now stock our larder, companions to the tomatoes, pickles, jams and assorted other 19th century farm food self lay-bys she has made. The beans which dry on the plant will get picked after the plant itself dies and the pods begin to crack open a bit.
Later, as the snow flies, we’ll take those pods and thresh them, pick out the dried beans and pop them in hermetic glass jars. Soups and other bean dishes to follow.
With the first harvest festival already past the garden goes into overdrive, testing the patience of even Kate, a long time canner and freezer. Tomatoes and cucumbers have begun to pop out and ripen, the spaghetti squash has several fruits on the way, the peppers have begun the slow process of maturation and a second crop of beets has about six inches of greens up already. This is when the sweat and the soil preparation and the weeding and pruning all begin to yield results. A good time.
The hemerocallis, likewise, are in their glory: many shades of purple in the front, orange and reds and yellows in the back and in the park. Of course, I wonder how the garden will look when the Woollies come in two weeks. I can’t recall that week from years past, but I imagine the daylilies will still be blooming and perhaps the clematis bushes will have begun to flower. I forget to mention here the begonias and geraniums, the sturdy plants that overwinter in the basement, moving happily outside after the last frost. They add color and texture to the garden.
Up late today, so I’ve got to get to Heresy Moves West. Bye for now.