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  • Sausage Before It’s In The Casing

    Imbolc    Waxing Moon of Winds

    Spent a little time today seeing sausage made.   Example:  A representative of the Corn Growers Association said,  “When I’m trying to sell my wife on something, I don’t give her all the facts.  I wait until she’s already bought in to the idea.  I hope that’s not what’s happening with this legislation.”

    Another example:  One representative said, “You ought to apologize to all of us.  You ought to apologize to Mr. (the corn growers representative.).  You didn’t give us all the letter from which you just quoted.”  Guess you had to be there.  This was said in a tone of voice similar to, “Johnny, share your truck.  You have to learn to play well with others.”

    I sat there with my netbook on my lap, trying to take it down using a key board.  I think I’ll try a note pad.  I’m not fluent enough with the keyboard to match my thought process as I take in dialogue and try to get the essence.  And I’m pretty good on the keyboard.  That touch typing class when I was 17.

    Kate came home tonight feeling better.  The TENS unit helps, at least to some extent.  yeah.