Spring New (Bee Hiving) Moon
We are now over three months away from the Winter Solstice. The spring equinox has come and gone, yet our yard still has snow, maybe 5 0r six inches, more in spots where the snow plow moved our many snow falls to the side of the driveway. In the orchard the snow has begun to melt around the apple, pear, cherry and plum trees. The currants have no snow around them at all and the huchera is free of snow, too. Those gooseberry plants I didn’t move last fall are still in the orchard, but their destination is the sunny slope of our
third garden tier.
I have a sizable number of trees with broken branches, many large ones. They will have to be cut down and moved. The chain saw!
As soon as the soil becomes workable, I’ll get the cold weather crops in the ground, something I’ve not done so well in the last three years. The bees will move into their new homes in the orchard where I hope the protection of the garage on their north/northwest side and the sunny aspect of the southern exposure will help them in the winter. They will be closer to the house, which may prove to be a problem. If so, they’ll have to go elsewhere next year.
In the spring this man’s heart turns to the garden, the bees, the trees. I’ve been preparing my body for spring, but I’m a bit
further behind than I thought I’d be. The resistance work has taken a while to work its way into my exercise cycle, but it’s there now.
Learning the language of plants, flowers and vegetables, is a life-long pursuit. Another school year begins in just a few weeks.