• Tag Archives uncle Riley
  • Sulky

    Lughnasa                                                                    Waxing Honey Extraction Moon

    Inertia has begun to weigh down my willingness to go places.  We skipped the Minnesota Hobby Bee Keeper’s picnic last night.  I don’t really want to go Running Aces, a harness track somewhat near Andover.  Why would I want to in the first place, you might ask?

    My grandpa, after whom I am named, Charlie Keaton, had harness horses and was a railbird, never missing a Kentucky Derby.  My uncle, Riley Keaton, kept harness horses and raced them, though he didn’t drive.  My cousin Richard Keaton, keeps harness horses and, until a bad accident, actually drove the sulky, too.

    So, you could say it’s in my blood.  But the percentage doesn’t seem to be very high.  I’m not a horse person, though Kate, at times, is.  She attended Camp Holloway in Minnesota, a camp where young Iowa girls learned to ride.  That was also where she first encountered Irish Wolfhounds.

    Neither one of us are gamblers, though I will play the very occasional game of poker.  Still, might go.

    I like to do my work during the day then wind down at night, watch a little tv, read, write.  That sort of thing.  When my schedule is full, Sierra Club legcom in full voice and meeting once a week, touring on Thursdays at the MIA and translating my chunk of Ovid for my Friday session with Greg, my tutor, I seem to have more energy, greater willingness to challenge the home focused inertia.  Odd, I know.  Now, when life is less demanding, any attempt to get me out of the house may well be met with, “Oh, c’mon.  Not tonight.  I have TV to watch.”