• Tag Archives wild grape
  • Clearing the Paths

    Lughnasa                                  Full Artemis Moon

    Kate and I yanked up the carpet under the mulched paths in our orchard, cleaned it off and re-laid it after putting weed seed germination preventer and round-up on the green vegetation in the paths.  These are the only chemicals, with the exception of cygon on my iris, that I use in the garden.  No fertilizers, on pesticides and only these rare instances of herbicide use.  I also use herbicide to kill poison ivy and to prevent stumps from re-growing.  That’s it.

    After clearing two paths out of four we went out for lunch, now the nap.  We need to clear one more path and we’ll be ready for the mulch tomorrow.  The other path, along the fence with the wild grapes has not had near as much weedy growth, so it can just take mulch as is.