Stories Told By Mother Earth

9!  bar steady 30.57  2mph WNW  windchill 9  Samhain

Last Quarter of the Dark Moon

“Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” – T. S. Eliot

When I ponder the amount of life I give to considering my weight, I wonder what Life I lose in obsessing.   Fat or thin we all die.  There may be a difference in quantity, may be, but what of the quality?  The constant examination of ourselves and our bodies for signs of health (ok, my constant examination) may be just a shadowed manifestation of the fear of death.  How will our world’s end?  Not with a bang, but a whimper

We live in an age awash in information and too few of us take the time to shape the information into knowledge, the useful form of information.  Even fewer of us take the knowledge we have earned, then sit with it in patience and compassion long enough to gain wisdom.

Here’s to a world where the most accessible wisdom, the stories told by mother earth right outside wherever you are, return gently to us.