Finally, My Ballerina Dress Is Ready!

Summer                                    New (Hiroshima) Moon

Kate.   This one’s for you.  Ruthie picked up the blue ballerina dress, held it in front of her, twirled and said, “Finally, my ballerina dress is ready.”  When I asked to take her picture with it, she said, “Nooooo.” and ran out of the room.  So, no pic, but one very happy little girl.

I do have pictures of the remodeling.  The master bedroom bath is impressive.

Jon barbecued chicken, romaine (very good, Jen saw it in Reader’s Digest) and put out beans and a four-bean salad.  Excellent.  Before dinner Ruthie and I painted.  We produced a collaborative work that will require small pictures of Ruth, Gabe, you and me.  It’s something.

Sollie is still ornery.  He recognized me, wiggling and leaning.

The landscaping is coming along well.  Jon’s got such a good eye and his plans make a lot of sense.

Gabe made a piece for me, too.  A black handprint.

This is a warm, creative family.  A pleasure to be with.