
Lugnasa                                                                   New (Autumn) Moon

On the asphalt headed toward the grocery store, Festival, this morning.  You can tell it’s fall because the outside of the store sports very large boxes of pumpkins and still tightly gathered mums in pots.  Soon there will be shocks of corn and bales of hay.  Inside caramel coated apples, plain and nut covered, and the first red grapes of the fall.

Monday morning is a slow day at the market.  Two of the grocery guys were out stocking shelve, each apparently a healthy consumer of the store’s products (that’s healthy in the eats a hell of a lot sense), a produce clerk arranged pineapples above the bananas.

A few shoppers, mostly purposeful, no wandering.  Cereal aisle.  Check.  Turkey and sausage.  Check.   Eggs.  Pizza.  Bread.

Going hungry to the grocery store is a sure way to make fat profits for the nice folks at Festival and I was hungry.  I went $40+ over our weekly food budget, but on the bright side, I got a lot of good things to eat.

Then home.  Now, nap.