
Samain                                                                          Thanksgiving Moon

The waxing Thanksgiving Moon has been on daytime display. It stood directly east of us yesterday, splitting the lanes of Highway 6 going into Denver. In the clear blue, baby blue sky it looked like one of those establishing shots in a movie where there are two moons visible in the day to signal, alien planet! I find the daytime moon strangely soothing, a gentle reminder of both our isolation, even in the solar system, and our closest neighbor.

Yesterday was a much better day for Kate. She ate, slept, smiled. No nausea, no abdominal pain. A peek at what used to be. I liked it.

At 2 pm I drive over to Littleton to Tony’s Market to pick up our Thanksgiving meal, a turkey breast and several sides. We decided putting out a big meal this year was beyond us. It feels great to me. I really like cooking Thanksgiving meals, but this year it felt burdensome. So we solved it.

Annie comes in today and Jon will be up tomorrow after he drops Ruth and Gabe off at Jen’s. A small meal, then, but with family. I plan to read a list of folks who’ve helped us out in any way over the last couple of months. We’ll say gratitude or thank you after each one.