Arty Whirl

Beltane                                                                        Early Growth Moon

Grandma and I got in the machine and went into the big city.  Where we ate dinner at the Gasthof on University, weiner schnitzel for both of us, a nod to our honeymoon late night dinner in Vienna, then we motored over to the Northrup King Building, one of several repurposed large building complexes in Northeast that house artists and galleries.  This is Art-a-Whirl weekend and all those buildings have open houses.

Cars and people and walking from gallery to gallery, studio to studio, talking with the artists, looking at the amazing range and skill levels represented.  I chose the Northrup-King building because it has three floors of artists in a long, L-shaped brick structure.  We only made it through the first floor and we saw many studios and galleries.

An impressive metal sculptor on the far northern end did small shoes to large table pieces ranging from the representational like the shoes to the very abstract.  He had a great shock of white hair and very neatly organized shelves of metal materials for his work.

At another stop I bought a small blue print, Ocean, that reminded me of the color field painters and Kate got a print of Jerry Garcia for Jon.  Mostly we looked, seeing this and that we liked, not buying, not really in the mood, though I did see a large ceramic piece, bees as the motif, that I would have purchased in flusher times.

An important part of this kind of jaunt for me is the stimulation, knowing others are out there giving their lives over to their imagination, seeing it come outside into works accessible to others.  Made me wonder what it would be like to have a building full of writers with people coming through looking at short stories and novels, maybe buying one, maybe not, talking about them with the writer.