the outside

Beltane                                                                            Early Growth Moon

The garlic only had about 50% germination, unusual and poor.  Not sure what the issue was there.  The onions have fattened up and greened up, the leeks are on their way as the sugar snap peas and some of the cucumbers.  A few beets, even fewer carrots and kale have started to emerge, but they’re on their way.

Tomorrow morning the tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, already well underway will enter the garden.

(the gals at work)

Today was a bee day and our gals are busy.  The queen’s laying eggs.  The brood grows and nursery bees attend them.  Funeral ants pick up corpses and move them out of the hive.  When the weather’s hotter, the air conditioner bees will set themselves up on the hive boxes sides and flap their wings very hard, keeping air flow adequate.  The workers have already gone and gathered nectar and pollen, cells have yellow deposits and a few have new honey in them.