Your Plant Is In The Mail

Beltane                                                                                Early Growth Moon

The tomatoes, peppers and egg plants arrived in the mail yesterday.  They’re resting now, will go in the ground tomorrow morning.  Today is a bee day, move leaves to the vegetable garden, new lights in the garage and in the garden study day, plump up the sun trap day and begin outlining projects for Javier to bid.  Over the last three days I’ve laid the writing and translating aside in favor of poetry, analysis and today gardening.

I also worked out last night after missing Monday and Wednesday; this way I can get two sessions in this week.  I really miss working out and need to rethink my schedule since having a meeting or event in the evening can often screw it up.  I do three intense sessions a week, cardio and resistance combined in an interval training program that cranks up the heart rate, then extends it through a set of resistance work, a cool down to below 110 bpm, then up into the anaerobic range for a full minute followed immediately by the next resistance set.  4 sets altogether.

Soon, probably tomorrow, I’ll begin to feel the push back to the writing, translating rhythm, but right now I’m enjoying the break.