A Quiet Birthday

Lughnasa                                                                   Honey Moon

A quiet birthday as phone calls come in wishing the birthday girl well.  We had a long nap and have spent time reading after it.  Kate’s reading Orange Is The New Black, the prison2009 11 10_0592 memoir turned into a Netflix series which we watched a couple of weeks ago.  I’m reading Ninety Percent of Everything, a narrative about the merchant shipping industry.  After seven weeks of visiting ports throughout Latin America, I developed a strong curiosity about containers and container shipping.

This reading is a bit unusual since neither of us read a lot of non-fiction, leaning more toward mystery, thriller, fantasy and the classics.  I find I buy non-fiction and often leave it unread, or read it much later.

Later on tonight we plan to have a bonfire, a celebratory one, with sparklers and smores for Kate.

One Response to A Quiet Birthday

  1. Happy Birthday, Kate. May you enjoy this one fully and have many more. Also, many more together with Charlie.
    Love and blessings,