The Family That Sprays Together

Lughnasa                                                               Honey Moon

In what has become a Monday ritual I filled the green plastic sprayers with Qualify IMAG0762(vegetative) and Brix Blaster (reproductive) solutions and hit the garden well before 8 am.  There’s apparently something about plant physiology that makes between 4 am and 8 am the optimal time to spray.  The probability of me doing anything at 4 am is not high so I always run closer to 8.

After that I putzed around with Scrivener, trying to learn how to make the compiled version of Missing 3.1 look the way I want it to.  Compiling takes everything you have in a long document and gives it a uniform look and feel, chapter headings, font size, pagination, paragraph treatments.  It has a lot of parts and I don’t understand this aspect of the program as well I would like, but I finally got to a place I liked pretty well.

After printing out a single space version for Lonnie  Helgeson, I sent five pages to a copy editor for a sample rewrite.  He’s returned those pages already and I’ll review them tomorrow morning.