Getting Ready

Lughnasa                                                              Honey Moon

We’re beginning to get ready for honey extraction on Wednesday.  Kate’s making cloth LW-Pwr-Extractor-covers for the honey supers today and tomorrow we’ll get all the extraction equipment out of the shed and into the kitchen.  There we will lay down cardboard and plastic, arrange the uncapping tub, the filters, the plastic 5 gallon pail with the honeygate and stabilize the extractor’s triangular metal stand on wood.  After setting up the extractor itself and getting a speed that doesn’t send it skittering over the kitchen floor, we’ll be ready for the next step on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, after a final reading of the refractometer on the uncapped honey, we’ll go ahead with all frames unless there is not enough capped honey.  If there isn’t, we’ll only extract from the capped frames and put uncapped frames back on and do them later.  The issue is the water content of the honey.  Honey has to have less than 18% water to be honey, otherwise it ferments.

More on the Wednesday process later.