
Samhain                                                       Winter Moon

Only 4 days into meteorological winter we have significant snow falling and will watch thedecember 4 snow and cold 2013 temperatures plummet starting tonight.  I have a snow day feeling, that sort of enforced healthy hooky moment that comes when you realize transportation just won’t work.

Of course, I have no job to not show up to, no school to miss, but decades of positive experiences in weather like this has me snuggled into the computer, ready for movies and tv, catching up on some reading.  Maybe some snow shoeing.

Speaking of jobs, I forgot to mention meeting Linsey at the Ghorka Palace Monday night. In her last week of a 2 and a half year stint there she told she was looking of internships in museums throughout the state.  An anthropology and Greek major, a visit to the British Museum at the age of 16 focused her.  Her “big dream” is to work there, far far from now, but at some point.  She wants to be a curator.  It was fun to see the vision and hope of a bright young person.  May she do well.

(the rosetta stone at the British Museum)