
Winter                                                        Seed Catalog Moon

Kate and I went to a new fine dining restaurant in downtown Anoka, Cork.  It’s located in a former breakfast place, a long time gathering place for Anokans.  It’s a little rough, the ambience is still made-over breakfast place, the service is sketchy though friendly and the wine pours happen from a refrigerator unit mounted against the far back corner of the dining room.

But.  The food is good.  Kate had giant risotto meat balls and sea scallops.  We shared shrimp and lobster wontons and I had chicken marsala.  I prefer veal but the chicken was good.  It was pricey, probably too much for the whole package, but I’m glad its in town.  Our only other fine dining place folded during the great recession.  Thanks, Wall Street big bankers.

It’s nice not having to drive all the way into the city just to eat out at a nice place.  We have three pretty good places:  Osaka, Azteca, Tanners and a bunch of ok, but usual:  Famous Daves, Applebees, Kam Wong’s Chinese, Dino’s Gyro.