The Time of Unfolding

Winter                                                            Seed Catalog Moon

The holiseason has come and gone.  We’re now into what I call ordinary time, after the Catholic liturgical calendar.  We are though still in season and the season is winter.  No reason to doubt that in Minnesota this year.

We’re in the time of unfolding.  All the dreamy times, the hopeful moments, the gifts and resolutions of the holiseason must now become potent, active forces in our regular, our ordinary lives.

Whatever it was that caused your heart to leap, even just a little, in the holiday times, can now integrate itself into your ongoing.  Maybe you wanted to read more.  Unplug some times.  See the kids or the parents more.  Take time to play with your pets.  Go dancing.  Listen to more live music.  Meditate.  Now is the time for those things to take root, prepare for the quickening of Imbolc and the resurrection of Easter.

Be kind to yourself as you include new forces, new opportunities.  Sometimes the old ones won’t want to let go.  That’s ok.  Acknowledge them, say you won’t forget them, but their time is over for now.  Take the offered hand of the you you imagined not long ago, take that hand and let it lead you into this fresh year, all green with promise.