You Canceled It For What?

Imbolc                                                                 Valentine Moon

Sister Mary had a chance to keynote a conference on education.  She’s spoken at several conferences, but never keynoted before.  An honor.  But.

She wrote that her flight to the island of Java had been canceled and she would not be able to make it to the conference.  Why?  Volcanic eruption.  Mt. Kelud. (see right)

It grounded planes and caused tens of thousands of people to flee.  I wrote back and said that was a new one for this flatlander, located mid-continent.  Snow, yes.  Ice, yes.  Even flooding.  But volcanic eruption?  Quite the exotic reason for cancellation sitting in Minnesota.  Not so exotic in Indonesia, a very volcanically active and earthquake active region of the world.  It is, too, the fourth largest nation in the world by population.

Where is Mt. Kelud?