The Herd Thins

Beltane                                                              Emergence Moon

Jim Johnson began the Woolly diaspora by his cowboy pivot made on the plains of South Dakota. Paul Strickland returned for good to an often frequented spot in Maine. Mario Odegard is an episodic emigre’, spending months at a time in different places, usually warmer than Minnesota.

Now, probably around this time in 2016, Kate and I will join the Woolly dispersal with a move to Colorado. This was a difficult decision, one made over a period of several years and made at first with reluctance, but now with growing excitement and anticipation.

We both want to move while we’re still able to develop an independent life for ourselves in a new setting. We will begin hunting for a place within an hour or so of Denver, something with acreage enough for dogs, yet still in broadband realm.

I plan to attend Woolly retreats and to continue hosting a meeting at some point during the year, too. Getting back to Minnesota will be important to me because the Woolly’s are important. They have changed my life for the better and it is with deep regret that I will leave them behind for most of the year.

Still, life’s realities change as we age and the call of family is a strong call. To care for and perhaps be cared for, that’s a profound life commitment and one to which we’re responding.

One Response to The Herd Thins

  1. Avatar tom crane
    tom crane says:

    Ok, I hear all that. But tell me this: Since the Minnesota Legislature is very likely going to pass some version of legalized pot, possibly even this session, will that influence your decision?????