
Beltane                                                               Emergence Moon

Tomorrow is mother’s day. As we age, the number of mother’s around us multiplies. First, there’s your own mother. Then, there’s your wife (or  yourself) (and perhaps multiples). She (you) can be a mother. That’s the case for me. Plus Raeone. (ex-wife) And mother. Then your kids get married. And have kids. More mothers. No wonder Hallmark went for mother’s day.

As reader’s of this blog know, my mother’s been dead since 1964, 50 years. That’s a long time without a living mother. Still, the other mothers in my life make the celebration noteworthy. So, here’s to Kate, Jen, Barb, Raeone. Happy mother’s day all. And to Gertrude.

One Response to Mothers

  1. Avatar tom crane
    tom crane says:

    Not to intrude on the domain of traditional western culture motherhood paradigms, but the time of year suggests a compelling appreciative embrace of Gaia, the earth mother, as well. It’s a shame that such a sentiment might have to hack its way free of the stigma of new-agey hippie-voodoo contations but the primordial gratitude still rises like the seed splitting the rock.