A Serging We Will Go

Lughnasa                                                              Lughnasa Moon

Love is a funny thing. Made me enter my first bid on E-Bay for a machine I didn’t understand. Still don’t. And I won! Strange how much fun it can be to get somebody to take your money.

What was it? A serger. In this case a Bernina 1300 MDC with overlock stitches. I did enough research to know that having an overlock stitch was good. And that the price was more than reasonable.

The body of the serger came last Friday and its accessories came today. All to the receiving dock formerly known as “front porch.”  The arrival of the accessories occasioned a birthday week outing to the St. Cloud Sewing Center where the serger goes to the sergery for a spruce up and professional review.  Looked fine to me, but what do I know from serging?

On the way up to St. Cloud we ate at Russell’s in Big Lake, dining for the first time on dill pickle soup. It was very good. The entertainment was a young man trying to learn how to waterski slalom style and a gaggle of Canadian geese who paddled away from the shore in a straight line, maybe 10 birds altogether. From what I saw the geese knew what they were doing. The waterskier not so much.

The day was a northern summer ordinary miracle. On these days when the dewpoint is low, the clouds high and puffy, the sky blue and temperatures in the mid-seventies, each day feels as if it could go on forever, an Elysian field created just for those of us crazy enough to live Minnesota.