
Samain                                                                                     Moving Moon

Spent some time packing this morning. Not astonishing. I decided to start at the west wall of the basement and work my way east, packing my way to the garden study. This way, when I finish this time, I will be finished.

This action, rather than thinking about acting or about the need to act or about the things that might go wrong if I don’t act, further relieved my anxiety.

A certain low level of anxiety hangs around the hallways of my psyche pegged to minor things of which I am aware, yet have not engaged. In this case they are the items I’ve not packed, most small or clumsy. My goal now is to strip those things from the hallways and out of my need to attend to them at all.

I don’t know whether this strategy will achieve inner peace for me, but it should end up with everything in a box or ready for the movers to pack.