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People aged 65 to 79 ‘happiest of all’, study suggests BBC news
Here’s another argument for being clear about how we feel as seniors. It’s fun. Setting aside the workaday world (if you have), seeing the kids well launched or at least responsible for their own lives, aware of your Self, not yet suffering from debilitating illness (if you’re not), what’s not to enjoy?
Getting old is not a trial, it’s a release into full humanity. Think of what this says about work and even raising a family. The unhappiest group, according to the same article, are those 45-59. And, no, I don’t know what happened to the 60-64 group. Just dithering in between I suppose.
We need to get the word out that aging has substantial personal rewards. That it’s not all anguish, wrinkles and hospital corridors. Hardly. It’s a time when that person you’ve been waiting to become can finally emerge. Now, if you can pull off that chrysalis snapping change before 65, far out, as we used to say. But if not, getting that medicare card may be just the moment to do it.
I will be 88 next month and have to say that old age doesn’t creep up on you., it hits with the ferocity of a very angry linebacker on steroids… My head is thrust forward, and my back is humped making me look like a walking questionmark . But there are pluses to this condition. I have time to have long coffee sessions with docent friends. I still attend the lectures at the MIA and roam those halls once a week to see what new exhibit is current.. I don’t have to prepare for tours anymore but do write an occasional column for the Muse. Retirement is what you make it and so far it is enjoyable.
Before I put the PC to bed every night I read your blog which .is always interesting.. Keep it up old friend……….Tom