Birthday Meal

Imbolc                                                                               Valentine Moon

Val2300You know the scene in the movie where the wife comes home and a trail of rose petals lead to the bedroom? This was the table at Twin Forks last night when I sat down for my birthday meal with Kate.

Somebody (and I know who) had gotten there earlier in the day and collaborated with the owner of the restaurant. It was a surprise. And touching.

Val1300There was more, too. Two beautiful cards and a vase of calla lilies that sits above the screen on which I’m writing this right now. I also got a box of crayons. Sounds silly, maybe, but I bought adult coloring books for us in December. Now we can get going on them. Something to soothe us while Vega is recovering from surgery.

We ordered off the Valentine’s Day special menu. Kate got prime rib, the yabba dabba do* cut. We weren’t expecting quite what she got. Barney Rubble and Fred would have been proud.

An intimate, romantic dinner for my birthday, which happens to fall on everyone’s love holiday. Perfect.

