Singapore, the last day

Spring                                                         Wedding Moon

Yesterday, our last day in Singapore, was the usual packing, settling of accounts and the taxi ride to the airport. It also included a visit to the sky deck, the third of the three things I wanted to see. Nirvana exceeded my expectations, Skygreens fell far below them and the sky deck was in between. It was in between only because the park like aspect of it, which really interested me, was off limits to all but guests of the Sands Resort Hotel.

The views the sky deck provided of this island nation were, however, stunning. And, again, it was hot.

The night before we ate at the Singapore Cricket Club’s Padang Restaurant. Here is a photograph of the Cricket Club taken from the sky deck.

Singapore Cricket Club from Sky deck

The merlion is a primary symbol of Singapore.


The lotus shaped Artscience Museum is in the foreground here. The Esplanade where we listened to the Sikh music is the hedgehog shapes in the upper right and the Cricket Club is to the upper left.

lotus flower, cricket club, esplanade

Finally, the sky deck park and the port beyond it.

sky deck and port