
Lughnasa                                  New (Blood) Moon

Good fences make good neighbors.  Sort of.  On the other hand three of our neighbors have stepped up at various points and returned our wayward puppies to us.  As a result, we’ve met folks we didn’t know like our neighbors to the south and to the southeast.  Neighborliness does not have a high value in the ‘burbs, at least in those areas where the lot sizes are 2.5 acres and up.  And it’s a shame.  It takes events to pull cul de sacites into each other’s orbit.

Of course, many are better at it than Kate and I are.  Both introverts by nature we tend to our knitting when at home, filling up our extrovert basket when we work in the non-home world.

Time to get out there now and finish up the fence before the heat of the day.  Yesterday, around noon, the mosquitoes came out and the temperature got to summer levels.  Cool weather is best for this kind of work.  Sweat draws creatures and debris in close.