
Fall                                        Waxing Blood Moon

Yelp!  Ah, what sweet music to my ears.  Here I am, shame on me, celebrating a cry of pain from an animal I love.  It is, however, a liberating sound in this strange regard; if we are not able to contain Rigel–she is the leader of jail breaks–, she’ll have to go back to the breeder;  so to keep her confined is to maintain her in the home she loves and where she is loved.  She doesn’t really runaway.  She follows her nose over the fence and through the woods to whichever neighbor catches her first.  She would come back if left to her own devices, but the realities of suburban living don’t allow her own devices.  Therefore, Yelp!, is a good thing.

This is probably the largest project of a domestic nature I’ve ever attempted.  It took a while because I had to learn something new at every turn of the page, but with the voltage flowing and the dogs contained for now, I can mark it down as successful.  A big deal for me.

One Response to Yelp!

  1. Congratulations! Welcome to the land of animal husbandry. It’s bigger than the world of having a few pets. It will continue to expand.