Samain Moon of the Winter Solstice
Trying to get the cobwebs woven by dilaudid and sweet lady morphine cleared out. Hard to do since I still need the dilaudid. And I do.
Still the pain in the knee. A week to go until I see the PA and they remove the bandage. Until then, at least, I’ll need the narcotics.
The insult is like somebody took a knife to my knee, cut the bone and hammered metal spikes into my tibia and femur. Then stitched it back up and hid the damage under a water tight, air permeable bandage.
Oh, wait.
Now I’m sleeping, following my nurse/doctor/wife’s recommendations, waking up and doing it again. Though. The general trajectory is up. The pain less, the meds fewer, a bit of appetite returning. By a week from today I’ll be in a much better place.