Bandage Removed

Samain                                                      Moon of the Winter Solstice

Over to Panorama Orthopedics H.G. today. It sits next to Earth Trek, an indoor climbing wall, and across from the difficult to read Jefferson County Courthouse. Is it a museum? A housing complex? An observatory?

Saw Becky, one of my surgeons p.a.s. She removed my acquajel bandage and I saw the glued together incision, no stitches, for the first time. It’s a ragged wound from above my knee to about 5 inches below it. It was a ritual moment, the bandage removal. It felt significant, a milestone on this journey.

We had planned some shopping, but I chose to go home, get out the ice, then go straight to bed. This was my first lengthy outing and it exhausted me.

Later we drove into Aspen Park where I signed up for physical therapy, the out patient version. Then, lunch at JJ Maddens, a so-so Italian place not far from Select Physical Therapy.

The drugged out haze seems likely to continue for a while. Buddy Mark O says it lasted a while for him, also saying, very helpfully, “It was worth it.” Right now that’s still a question mark to me. All pain and only some gain.

Looking forward to the time when the knee is not the first and last thing on my mind each day.