
Midsommar                                                                                     Moon of the Summer Solstice

Kate a year ago
Kate a year ago

Kate, thankfully, is feeling much better. Susan Braun, a physician’s assistant to our internist, Lisa Gidday, correctly diagnosed thrush and prescribed an antifungal that has beaten it back. Kate’s eating more easily, in less constant distress and has an overall better mood. Combined with the increased dosage of omeprazole, recommended by James Chain, an ENT, the sore spot in her throat has also diminished. Even some of her taste is returning.

Sjogren’s Syndrome has many faces and the troubles in Kate’s mouth and throat are among them. This was, apparently, a flare in this chronic condition, one that we now understand better and will know how to treat more effectively-and earlier. The struggle to get some solution, some relief was difficult, but it does feel like we’re a good deal further along in understanding how to care for the symptoms. It’s not going away, so that’s the optimum.