A Good Heart

Winter                                                                 Imbolc Moon

20170405_152819Kate has a good heart. I’ve always known that. Yesterday it took an iv, a treadmill, some radioactive dye, thallium, and a scan, plus all those technicians and physicians, to prove it. Her lungs are good. Her heart is good. Sjogren’s is bad, or at least ornery, but her underlying health is good.

Since I took up the evening cooking, too, we’ve found that a big part of her daily stress was having to cook after daytime activity had worn her out. As we age, our bodies give us challenges. Some we can ameliorate with exercise or accessories, others demand new ways of living our daily life. A happy third phase depends on our ability to sort out and accept these changes. It really helps to have a partner because what one can’t do, often the other can. I’m so lucky to have found Kate for this journey because we can shift roles easily when we need to.