New Shoulder Moon

Imbolc                                                                       (New Shoulder) Moon

20180121_172506The new life moon, which hung in the sky during the Jewish month of Adar, gives way this evening to the new shoulder moon in the month of Nisan. On March 22nd, under a waxing new shoulder moon, Kate will meetup again with Dr. David Schneider, this time at Ortho Colorado, the same hospital where Dr. William Peace put in my new knee. If all goes well, her new shoulder will be in place that day and she will return home on Friday to begin six weeks or so of recuperation.

Her right shoulder has become, no pun intended, unbearable. Not only does its pain restrict the utility of her right arm, the pain at night has interfered with her sleep for months. I’m hopeful that this procedure will at least eliminate the pain and at optimum, through rehab, restore her right arm to her. She’s a quilter, an organizer, a clothes folder, a grandma, a food cheiftess, and my favorite hugging partner.

Hugging has been an issue for some time since her shoulder pops and cracks, audibly, even to me. We’ve developed a half body hug that preserves her shoulder, but I’m ready to go back to full body and so is she.


Sjogren’s syndrome presents some obstacles during and immediately after the surgery with dryness, especially in her eyes and mouth. We have a sheet of protocols other Sjogren’s patients have used. We’ll hand it out to the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the recovery room/hospital room nurses. Ortho Colorado and Panorama Orthopedics both have extensive and well-followed procedures for following a patient’s medical history, so I’m hopeful here, too.

Too, the new shoulder moon will rise over the first day of spring on March 20th. That means Kate will have the energy of a waxing moon and the power of nature resurgent working in her favor. Can’t hurt.

New Its A Small World Images history mitzvah day akronThere is, as well, another factor. Beth Evergreen. Kate has a community that cares about her and will help us through her surgery and recovery if we need it. We probably won’t need help, but if we do, we know Beth Evergreen is there for us. For two folks living in a new place, with ties of forty years severed by leaving Minnesota, this is a huge comfort. Being part of a beloved community. A gift for which we are both grateful.