32 bar steep rise 30.08 1mh NNW dewpoint 27 Spring
Waxing Crescent Moon of Growing
This invitation is also for any of you read this blog and would like to come. I’d love to see you.
Sierra Club Power 2 Change House Party Monday, April 14th
Hosted by Charles Buckman-Ellis 3122 153rd Ave. NW. Andover.Learn about the Power 2 Change campaign, an effort to educate the public about what is at stake in the 2008 elections. High gas prices and America‘s dependence on foreign oil have made energy one of the most pressing and important issues of this political season. We face a crossroads, and we need to challenge all of our elected officials, including the next President, to provide the leadership we need to move America in a new direction on energy. Between now and Earth Day on April 22nd, the Sierra Club is working to get the word out that we need leadership who will make the right choices. Join us for refreshments, meet your neighbors and learn how you can take action. RSVP to Margaret at 612-659-9124 ext. 306 or Margaret.levin@sierraclub.org Visit the web site to learn more about this important effort: http://www.sierraclub.org/power2change/minnesota/
Note: This is NOT a fundraiser.
Come to the event if you can. I’d love to see you. (Anybody who reads this is welcome.)
Whenever Kate comes home and I’m watching a football game or a basketball game, she’ll say, “Aha. Caught you with your Y chromosome in action.” Doesn’t happen often, but had she not been in San Francisco, she could have found me watching the last half and the overtime of the Kansas/Memphis game of the NCAA finals. Whoa. What a game! Kansas, down by 9 with 2:12 left to play and down by 3 with less 2.0 seconds left to play. Chalmers hits the three. Tie. In overtime Kansas takes advantage of a missing big man (Dorsey) and goes on to win pulling away.
That wasn’t all though. Tonight was also Woolly night at the Istanbul. This is a y-chromosome only club. We talked about Rome, about China-Tibet, Danish desserts and Pawlenty’s veto of the Central Corridor light rail. Stefan and Bill celebrated birthdays. A guy’s night out.
Talked to Kate when I got home. She’d called the home phone, left a message and said she forgot I was the Woolly’s and that she’d call tomorrow. I picked up the cell phone, called her cell phone. She answered. I said, “I just called to tell you we’re old farts.” “Why?” “Because I could have had my phone turned on and you could have called me at the Istanbul.” “You called me on the cell phone just to see if I’d answer?” “Yeah. If you hadn’t, that would have meant we were O.F.’s for sure.”
Mailed another package to the serviceman in my life. Still strange.