
Lughnasa                                                                    Waning Summer Moon

(computer/electrical problems yesterday)

Tomorrow is erev Rosh Hashanah, the eve of the new year for humans, the day when humans were created and a celebration of the days of creation of the world.* It begins the ten days of awe which end on Yom Kippur. The month of Elul, which ends tomorrow, is an entire month dedicated to a soul inventory and amending of life. I didn’t do much with this this year, but I want to try it next year. Or, maybe next month. I like the idea of a month dedicated to an accounting of my soul and to ways of amending it, but also in the spirit of an earlier post, of reinforcing the positives. An annual physical for the spiritually important parts of our life.

Kate and I had a quiet day yesterday.




*(Judaism actually has four new years, one that starts the calendar year in the month of Nisan and celebrates the founding of Jewish people in the exodus, one that served as a date like April 15th for the collection of taxes and is no longer celebrated, and Tu B’Shvat, the new year of trees. This last is still celebrated and marked the birthday of trees since by Jewish law no fruit could be taken from a tree until it was three years old. Wish I’d known about this when I put in the orchard.)