
From this last October

On Kate’s caring bridge site I posted about her upcoming surgery, June 3rd, to implant the feeding tube port. This represents the end of a long winding process requiring TPN, ct scans, visits (when we could get them) to the pulmonologist, to Lisa Gidday, our primary care doc, to Westermann, the rheumatologist, and one last visit, on May 29, to the cardiologist.

Ed Smith, the surgeon said, “Well, at least I don’t we’ll do you extreme harm now.” Reassuring. I give him props for insisting on the TPN, for Kate being as prepared physically as she can be for this procedure. I thought he was stalling. “Well, we’ve put this off as long as we could, haven’t we?” he said. First, do no harm.

To this, May 2019

Once the j-tube is in and Kate has it for ongoing nutritional support the remaining unaddressed challenge will be her lung disease. For the summer.

We had a t-bone, risotto, and asparagus last night to celebrate getting a date for the j-tube. Somehow I over-cooked the t-bone. Still good, but we like’em rare, not medium. Guess who cleaned up? Kate.

It feels so good to see her walking, doing ordinary chores. Laughing. Gaining weight. A victory already.