The Gerts

Imbolc and the Shadow Mountain Moon

Wednesday gratefuls: Gertie’s life, lived with energy and joie de vivre. Kate and her readjusted feeding tube. Seoah for a wonderful meal last night. The sky here yesterday afternoon: a light snow, a foggy mist over Black Mountain, and a dull yellow sun. The trees covered with what Kate sees as confectioner’s sugar. The cold. -1. (I know. But, it is cold for Colorado.)

Had a moment yesterday morning, a brief one, but it happened. How much is one guy expected to take? Dominated my inner world for a bit. Walked my way back from it with deep breathing, tears, and experience with other dogs.

The Gerts hung on over night, not eating now, drinking some water. Listless. No tail wagging. I read a vet who recommends euthanasia when tail wagging stops. As a marker of the nearing end, it makes sense. Gertie’s stumpy little tail wagged back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. No longer.

Lost some sleep. A little buzzy. The way of having a dog in home hospice. She’s on oxy and will get another pain reliever from a compounding pharmacy. If she continues to refuse food, she won’t last too long.