
Samain and the Holiseason Moon

from Mary. Eau Claire, Wi

Friday gratefuls: Alan. My phone. Derek. Laurie Knox. The Bailey Patchworkers. Holly Bailey. Kate’s gifts, still coming in. Hanukkah presents from the Aunt’s. Jon, Ruth, Gabe. Coming up here tomorrow and Thanksgiving. Cincinnati Chili tomorrow. Honey Baked Ham on Thanksgiving. Kep and Rigel. Indulgent. Another later morning for me. By 30 minutes.

Sparks of Joy and Awe: Mary in the Midwest

Tarot: Thanksgiving Spread. What can I do to make this Thanksgiving joyous?  Eight of Stones, skill. Ten of Vessels, happiness. Page of Stones, Lynx.



The first card I turned over, the issue card, was the Ten of Vessels, happiness. This is a card about family, coming from the watery, emotional realm of vessels and cups. It celebrates completion, realization, harvest. Exactly the issue. Yes, Kate will not be with us for the first time on Thanksgiving. Yes, that’s sad. I feel it already.

Yet. We live now. Not then. Thanksgiving is a harvest itself. Those around the table are folks brought in from the various corners of your life. In my case Jon, Ruth, Gabe. Each thanksgiving is a harvest of the moments big and small in the past year. In our case. Whadda year. Lot of my friends, too. Seeking joy in times made cold by Covid, by death, by other losses. This is when joy is most important, if it’s authentic.


The second card. The eight of stones, skill. This one took me aback at first. Then, I realized. Oh. Yeah. This is what to avoid. This meal is not about skill in the kitchen or being on our best behavior. A focus on those things will kill the joy. This is a time to say yes. To be with each other as family, not as chefs or party planners.




The third card. Action to take. The page of stones. The earth focus. Malkut. Here and now. Learning how to live in this place, with others. We’re learning how to be here for each other. We have learned how to be here for each other. Thanksgiving will be joyful if we (especially me) remember we’re all just students, figuring out how to be human. How to be family.

Having two stones in this spread reminds me that this Thanksgiving the focus is on us, here, in this place. Right now. In the physical realm. Together. Food. Hugs. Dogs. Life as family, family as legacy, family as home.