Imbolc New Moon (Awakening)
N.B. Kate pointed that this is the anniversary of Caesar’s assassination, not St. Pat’s feast day and she’s right. Except for the Woolly Mammoths who always gather on the third Monday closest to St. Patricks at Frank Broderick’s house for corned beef and cabbage, some good soda bread and a few really bad Irish jokes.
Caesar’s dead, long live Caesar day! and we can see green in a lot of places the snow in back is gone. Gone. 64 yesterday.
Today and tomorrow morning will be Latin days because we have to have our chapter done by tomorrow afternoon and instead of Latin I spent my weekend on Apis mellifera.
Brother Mark sends word from Bangkok that there is an invading political protest of 150,000 folks with red flags. He says they’ve caused many main arteries to be closed. As he said, over the last several years Thailand has been very rock and roll.