Honey Equipment

Lughnasa                                Full Artemis Moon

Artemis was goddess of bees, among other duties, so we celebrate her this month on honey extraction.  On that note the extractor stand, the electric motor and an electric uncapping knife came today, so we have the equipment we need.  Now we need to learn how to use it.  First thing is to wash it all, then put the extractor on the stand and motor on the extractor.  After that, start removing supers, brushing off bees and sticking those honey super frames in the extractor.  Hit spin and wait.

So, we have two new machines here:  the long-arm quilter and the honey extractor.  Both of us will be on learning curves though I think the long-arm will have a steeper one.  It’s complex, the extract not so much.

Received, in addition  to bee related stuff, 9 cubic yards of wood chips.  They get distributed on Friday.

Kate made a tart last night out of the raspberries and some bay field blueberries.  Pretty damned good.