• Category Archives General
  • A Moving Sunday

    46  70%  39%  4mph windroseNNW  dewpoint 37   bar steady Waxing Crescent of the Snow Moon (I hope.)

    Kate and I plan to move items around in the living room and kitchen today, putting some of the finishing touches on our remodeling.  Her cold has abated, so her energy is fearsome.  She’ll work me hard, at least until 11:30 when the Vikes and Packers come on the tv.

    Jon asked Kate to help him redesign their kitchen for an addition he and Jen plan.  With two little ones they’ll need more crawl space.  Jen has also considered becoming a day care provider, which, with her early elementary experience, would be a great fit.

    All for now, because a work load is calling me.

  • Chicken Soup for the Body

    34  67%  37% bar steady 0mph windrose NNE  dewpoint24  Ordinary Time  Waning Crescent of the Blood Moon

    A quiet night.  Kate came home early.  A good thing since she was sick, a cold.  I made her chicken noodle soup.  Had to rely on my concoction since none of the cookbooks had anything similar to what I usually make.  My recipe of choice is on Golden Plump chickens and I bought Tyson chicken at Costco.  Came out ok anyhow.

    Feels strange to use this other process for putting up entries, but I’ll get use to it.  It will be awhile before I have the hang of the whole deal.  It’s complex, but, so far, reasonably straightforward.  After Bill put my stuff into Word Press in the first place.  Thanks, Bill.

    He’s coming over  on Saturday to help me finesse certain aspects of the site.  A good friend.

  • Worked out

     37  61%  36%  dewpoint25  0mph windrose NNE  Ordinary Time Waning Crescent of the Blood Moon

    Modifying my workout to lean more toward aerobics.  It’s not easy since the Core Performance program splits workouts at the advanced level by sport and does not include weight training with the Endurance package.  That means I have to figure out a way to add resistance work to an already full program.  Not quite sure how to do that.  If I get real stuck, I’ll e-mail the Core Performance folks.

    I’ve got a fair run now of at home time, so I can get back into a groove with the workouts, the writing, and the work outside. 

  • A new sight

    November 7, 2007  12:24PM   39  61%  34%  26dewpoint  5mph  windrose ENE  Ordinary Time  Waning Crescent of the Blood Moon

    These entries have first been a word file, .doc, before moving into this new version of Ancientrails.  Bill Schmidt plans to change my underlying program to WordPress, away from the older version of FrontPage in which  all the previous have been created.  This change happens right now, as I write this, so I can’t enter text directly into the website until late Saturday or Sunday, if all things go well.

    One reason I look forward to the new version of Ancientrails is discussion.  WordPress makes that function easy, so Ancientrails can become a two-way dialogue for those who would like that opportunity.

    Found a few more stray stories sitting in other files, so I printed those out before I went to Costco. 

    I have to make a Costco run now and then because we buy dog food, treats, Propel and water softener salt in bulk.  We also buy gas through the Costco cash card.  All told it’s nickels and dimes, yes, but they add up and exceed the $50 annual fee.  Not to mention, by the way, that Costco shows up on Consumer Reports as the cheapest place in the US to buy such items as televisions. 

    Both dog food and the salt come in 40 pound bags so picking it up, putting it on a cart, loading it in the truck, unloading and putting the salt in the water softener all call on those muscles I develop when I work out.

    Kate’s sick today as the annual parade of viruses begins at our home.  She doesn’t get sick often, but she does get exposed to everything nasty out there, and she gets her exposure from kids, for whom hand washing and other hygiene practices are still new.